Friday, March 26, 2010

Large Mucus Clumps In Nose

'How to Make it in America': the tv show with an edge

I am so glad that I found out about this show you wouldn't believe.
Life Unexpected and How to Make it in America, they both help me survive the week's hassles at work and at home. Really!

'How to Make it America' is on its first season, it began mid February and I've been able to watch it right from the pilot.
We're now at episode eight and I am so looking forward to Monday's night! (it airs every Sunday night on HBO).
It's fun, it's modern, it's well acted, it's New York City!
No vampires, no airplane crashes, no drama.
I recommend it to all of you who like modern and urban stories.
Photography and editing are so innovative and I forgot to say that I can smell Emmys.

The story:
"How to Make It in America" follows two enterprising Brooklyn twenty somethings as they hustle their way through New York City, determined to achieve the American Dream. Trying to make a name for themselves in New York's competitive fashion scene, Ben Epstein (Greenberg) and his friend and business partner Cam Calderon (Rasuk) use their street knowledge and connections to bring their ambitions to fruition. With the help of Cam's cousin Rene (Guzman), who is trying to market his own high-energy drink, and Their well-connected friend Domingo ("Kid Cudi") Set Out the entrepreneurs to make it big, encountering along the Obstacles to Their Way That will require ingenuity to overcome.

Here are the opening credits:


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