Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blueprints On How To Make Moccasins

Happy Birthday to Italy (1861 - 2011)

A ITALIAN all, best wishes for their people and not be jumble of tribes! the face of some ignorant that during the Inno di Mameli gulp prefer orange (perhaps made from Sicilian oranges) rather than join the chorus of most.

This too is freedom, this is not priceless, for everything else ...

We'll talk about in another 150 years, maybe we'll talk more!

;-) Regards, Joseph P.

All Purpose Flour Bread Machine

Sorry for the delay!

Hello everyone, here we

after several days to announce new developments and activities of the Group.

Activities held at the Decathlon in Catania (12 and 13 February) and during the presentation of the first conference for Friday CAI, have been held with considerable success.

Cave / game, of course, made exclusively in black to remind our cavities of lava flow, has counted the visit of over two hundred children and some adults (sigh!!) While the activities on a rope saw the presence of 62 between adults and children.

The conference instead filled the room in all of our Chamber and 68 seats, with some belated feet. The pleasant and emotionally engaging discussion led all first-hand in a virtual trip inside the tombs hidden in the bowels of the city of Catania.

On March 1 began on XXX Course Introduction to Caving that today is half of its operation. The seven students, originally ten, are following with interest and a good performance of the many lectures and tutorials in the environment. Remain on the calendar:

  • Thursday, 17/03: Introduction to biospeleology (Rapporteur: Elisa Musumeci)
  • Sunday, 20/03: Abyss of the Wind,
  • Tuesday, 22/03: First aid in a hostile environment (Rapporteur: Dr. . Bollo Mario)
  • Thursday, 24/03: Nutrition and Cave Rescue (Rapporteur: Giovanni Nicola IS)
  • and Saturday, 26/03 Sunday, 27/03: Abyss of Cocci,
  • Thursday, 31/03: End of course dinner and delivery certificates.

Meanwhile, the snow on Etna has made the boss and we took advantage for some snowshoeing.


Joseph P.

Toe Swollen Hard To Bend After Pedicure Infection

Print-Inauguration of the original project

Blog Bestiality Movies

Stage di Tecnica femininity with Lidia Ferrari Treviso (II)

Stage Technique female with Lidia Ferrari in Treviso (II)
Thursday, March 24 -21 to- 22:30

The fundamentals in the dance of the woman Exercises for balance the pivot, the suspension, the rides.
Adorno as personal expression of the dancer.

Time: 21 to 22:30
Location: Municipal Park of Silea, Via Mazzini, Silea, Treviso

15 Euro

Cell: 3473194936

Silea The place is so near Treviso Sud exit of the roundabout which is located in the center of Silea, turn left if you come from Treviso, or go straight if it is the highway. You will be in Via Lanzago, Via Mazzini and 'one side and the left and' marked by a sign indicating the Town Park. Proceed to the end of the road and 'barred from the park - there' s a large parking lot. Coming from round Lanzago, via Mazzini is on the right.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cold Or Strep? Clear Mucus

inaugurated the new headquarters of the original project

Thanks to all those who have spoken!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Subway Groping Chikan

plan ghost

After rumors journalists who spoke of many plans parking lots, even two (Plan A and Plan B), after the pronouncements of the "Directory" To list the Civic United Volterra, confirming the objective properties of this administration by laying blame but revived special interests that would have hidden behind the Cocucci adviser, is the latest news on jobs car. On 8 March the Tyrrhenian read with interest that the City Council now says it will identify areas "for the provision of a parking plan be drawn up according to the addresses of the Executive." . Easy to translate with a peremptory: the issue of parking we have not done anything yet. This is not surprising, Councillor Moscow has never wanted to put a real floor parking, otherwise after a year and a half of work this would certainly have been completed. He spoke often in the newspapers, but only in a controversy, not because they seriously intend to set up. Probably, as the Mayor, there are fifty Vallebona new posts, but support is likely to put black on white abuse of buildings, in contrast with its own planning rules, not to mention the need for good placid of the Superintendent. Exhibiting at the same time a way of working for an administration because frankly unsuitable for food with the headlines, his vanity, is undermining justice those city employees called to close the holes of this rambling political will.

original project

Names For Resale Store

Legends of the Fall

Tuesday, March 2, the document carried by the Group's original plan and approved by unanimous vote of the City Council requires the Mayor to submit, on behalf of the Administration of Volterra, a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office in order that shed light on the events related to the "Case Wind". At the time of writing, or eight days later, neither the Board nor the nationality groups has more than the Mayor had no information on the provisions. Honestly, this lack of responsiveness, this lack of initiative, blend beautifully with the hesitancy shown by the administration from the beginning to this latest, unfortunate story. An administration that under "normal" and should have acted promptly on its own initiative, going to the Prosecutor's Office already the day after the first appearance of the news without the sting of the City Council. Besides, the reasons for concern in this case to prove this. Branched by repeated news from newspapers, which is claimed to be corroborated by the presence of documents, could loom a serious case of private interest in public documents of the City of Volterra. One of the most shocking revelations was that received by February 26 of the Tyrrhenian Sea, where it was alleged the existence of a private document, signed on July 16 by Dr. Meneguzzo, then in charge of preparing the Technical Rules for Renewable Energy Municipality, by Emanuele Orsi, the Provincial Council of the Democratic Party, and by the legal Francesco Giani representative of the Scout Company, Simon Grossi. A deed in which the parties agreed that "they are going to work together in order to carry out the activities designed to obtain the necessary permissions to the installation and operation of the plant by setting ..."," the respective roles and resulting bonuses that resulted from obtaining, sale, transfer and / or permissions management. " Now, the question arises in what capacity Emanale Orsi, a policy adviser in the town of Volterra or the Provincial Councillor PD, Francesco Giani, could become part of the turnover related to future wind farms. What contribution could add this people to "obtain the necessary permissions to the installation and operation of the plant? Note that Giani is not a political figure of the second floor in the Palace of the Province: chairs the Budget Committee, where the specific delegation belongs to the President of the Province, Pieroni, then we can reasonably believe that a trusted person of the Chairman. In fact, as the latter belongs to the current PD former Margaret, together with the current Councillor for Environment Picchi, pugnacious advocate of wind farms, large and small, in the province. The other significant issue of concern is the presence in deed mentioned in the newspaper of the signature of the technician responsible for Administration, Dr. Meneguzzo, which if so would assume a dual role totally inappropriate: the town planner and designer for the private sector. Completing the picture of the alleged collaboration, highlighted by the Tyrrhenian always, the current Councillor for the Environment Roberto Costa Scout with the company and the project for the installation of wind turbines in-law of the land, which was prepared well in advance of the drafting of the Regulations Hall. It outlines a landscape so frankly worrying, but that risks being overshadowed because it could find liability disturbing and unexpected collusion. Aspects that may be too uncomfortable to be in the majority than in relation to an important part of the opposition.

original project

Creamy Watery Cervical Mucus

Beyond the ford

The last City Council has highlighted the final acquisition of the People Volterra to the Civic List, which for months has now breached the covenant of transversality with the voters for orientation in its policy choices to the right embodied by Antonella Bassini. In fact, the majority group has welcomed with open arms, an agenda with which the counselor asked the right to consider the introduction of an integrated ISEE to measure the economic status of families, for exemption from payment of public services or to provide benefits , that discriminates against de facto families, those in which the marriage has not been formalized. At the same time representatives of the Civic List refused to vote on a proposed amendment to the original project which sought to evaluate the effects of the method proposed by Councillor Bassini on all situations of need and not only on families with children born within the bonds marriage, as well as requesting a proper inspection of impact on the municipal budget. Councillor Bassini refused to accept the proposal to provide the Board with the original design without any technical argument, except that "the amendment did not like." Evidently he was afraid to expose a detailed analysis of the consequences of the method you have proposed. Representatives of the Civic List acceded to their wishes, voting with her drawing and thus the new majority to right center of gravity. Ironically, thus ushering in a real marital relationship "on which they hope to hold in the future. Again. Given the agenda of the above, it original plan presented one in which further requested that in the delivery of social services were guaranteed by the equal access and equal opportunity to all families in need, regardless of whether or not they have been ratified through the celebration of a marriage. Following discussion the council were made a few comments from various parties. The directors of "Project" said they were prepared to accept all amendments to the document, but unexpectedly the Civic List and Volterra for the People said they were not yet able to vote, calling for the cancellation of the following phrases:
"in 'framework of respect individual freedom of each citizen chooses to live their lives with others report affirming the concept of marriage (living together) and torque independently from the constraints civil-administrative "
" the civil rights of the above are not always protected right to see a way of not conforming to the changes in modern society ";
" the bureaucratic and administrative barriers that prevent non-codified forms of unions, but there are facts in reality, to free choice of citizens to respect the equal dignity of all individuals should be removed. "
We leave to the reader evaluate the behavior of a political force composed of "young from civil society who will rule without political influence," that is unable to vote on the above.
Meanwhile Volterra and go back 40 years, closing his eyes on the evolution of society. Even to stay in the saddle.
Group Council Chamber of the original project

Ingrediants For Bojangles French Fry Seasoning


's official! Original project has a home! Finally, we find ourselves again, to meet and discuss. Who now goes by Ricciarelli can see an inscription on the colored glass and one on the bottom of the room, a furnished room, a food court and a PC. As you can see it is not anywhere, but everything is where it started, with the first founders of the Civic Party believed in that project that fascinated and Volterra, which was awarded in the last election. Here, the Board of the Civic Party publicly distanced itself from the methods adopted by the Mayor Buselli, exercising their right and duty of criticism, sure to follow the founding principles that inspired the project. Here, the same counsel who was removed from office by then, saying he wants to return between people, as the first act closed the office and went into other rooms, retreats and much more opaque than the first. Thus ended the meetings, meetings between members, voters and the assessors. Lost all the transparency of policy initiatives, on self, the use of resources and the status of membership. They finished so all those contacts and the exchange of ideas that are the salt of democracy and the concrete living of a political movement that wants to be with people.
original plan for this is essential and that is why, once ritrovatala, opens to the public its head, thanks to all those people with their spontaneous collaboration disinterested and decided to make this extra effort. fact, it was thanks to this will come from the bottom that was hit that historic election, and misconstrued and twisted behind the siren song of clever and profiteers. headquarters in Via Ricciarelli No. 35 will be officially inaugurated with a little toast in the afternoon of Sunday, March 13, at 17:00. So the original plan reopen a place that wants to be a reference to the supporters, sympathizers, but also for all citizens who want to meet us to give suggestions, discuss, ask questions, criticizing. Where will you live the guiding principles of what, unfortunately, was the United Civic Party to Volterra. An open place to meet and address the problems of the city and beyond who will also serve to make our efficient movement, alive and present. For the moment, we thank all those who have contributed to this important reopening, and we welcome all our new-old home of the original project.

original project

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Welcome To The Family Card Messages

Inauguration original project

Sunday, March 13 at 17:00
original project
and opens officially inaugurated
its headquarters
Via Ricciarelli N ° 35

All are invited!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Desert Eagle Gold Fiyatları

Charter of Values \u200b\u200b

Original List Civic Movement Project was created in order to protect from any alteration or deviation about the original plan for which had been founded the Civic List Unite for Volterra. " Remain valid for the movement of the principles which inspired the founders of the Civic Party (paper value) and the method of work focuses on sharing.

Charter of Values \u200b\u200b

Our political project as oriented cross-fertilization and limited scope of the administration of a single municipality wants to be anything but impermeable to the principles and core values \u200b\u200bof a modern democracy. So we want to clarify from the outset that the way in which we intend is informed by a vision of politics as service that some people do for the community they live in service with a revocable mandate and temporary employees. Imagine then an administration extremely permeable than the society that surrounds it, who knows how to evolve and renew itself over time in parallel with this.
The principles we want to inspire is not new, are already contained in the first part of the Italian Constitution , the fundamental law of our Republic is so often neglected and rejected. We intend to stick to the principle of solidarity , which should bind living beings to be of help to each other, especially in small communities like ours, where perhaps it is easier to understand what happens to their neighbors.
intend to strictly adhere to the freedom of everyone, to think, criticize, and act according to their own opinions, political or religious beliefs, without being even because of any prejudice against him.
We believe that the best way to respect the justice is in keeping with the principle of equality between human beings, beyond their membership and their ability to pay .
support and we intend to exercise democracy, knowing that it loses much of its meaning if not accompanied by transparency and a large and constant participation .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cooking Deer Sirlion Tip Rost

How To Wash White Coat

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why Do People Wax Brazilian

Gone with the Wind

If reconstructions on the case described by Il Tirreno Renewable Energies were true, the result is a disturbing scenario for this city. Volterra also mean that the traditional pattern has taken hold of the Italian scoundrels who take advantage of locations within the government to benefit themselves and friends, weaving a turnover in the shadow of the future city planning tools. We must hope that the events described do not correspond to the real, otherwise after the dream of transparency and efficiency would fall miserably even the illusion of honesty and fairness. To remove, therefore, a shadow of a doubt, the Administration Hall is an urgent need to clarify. For this group the original plan submitted to City Council a motion Wednesday, March 2 which commits the Mayor to present, on behalf of the City, a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office to investigate the affair. If not, the exponents of the original project had already announced that he would still have done so on their own behalf in this regard. But it is clear that since the assumption of admixture between public and private interests overshadowed by the newspapers, would be a blow to the administration missed the last train to move forward on behalf of the city government a strong demand for clarity. But we try to pick up the pieces of the puzzle have emerged in recent days by revelations and documents presented by the newspapers. The first fact is that Directors Comunale di Volterra entrusted on October 15, 2010 mandate for the drafting of the Regulations on renewable energy with Dr. Meneguzzo, expert of the CNR. The bylaws shall establish the criteria for using these technologies and the principles by which to identify suitable sites throughout the municipality to plant. The February 15, Il Tirreno publishes an interview with Simon Grossi, legal representative of the Scout company that operates in the renewables sector, in which the same states that the current Deputy Mayor, Roberto Costa, "collaborated Prior research of suitable sites on which plants install "and later adds," also helped us preparatory to manage relationships with the private sector for the acquisition of rights of land. " The article also points out that the company constantly uses the Scout professional collaboration of Dr. Meneguzzo. The next day the same newspaper reported an interview with Alderman Costa categorically denies that, saying: "I never had any relationship with the company Scout." Even Big returns on their statements, denying them. On 18 February, The Tyrrhenian back on the subject, revealing the existence of a draft, dated July 2010 for the installation of four wind skid, prepared by the company Scout, by locating on the farm owned by Mr. Anthony Sale, the Councillor-in-law Roberto Costa. It should be noted that this project well in advance of the appointment of three months to draft the Regulations on renewables, the only instrument with which they can be identified as areas suitable for the installation of these plants. Feb 26 comes the icing: The Tirreno still indicates the existence of a private document, signed on July 16 by Dr. Meneguzzo, the political consultant in Moscow, Emanuele Orsi, the director of the provincial PD, Francesco Giani and by the legal representative of the Scout, Simon Grossi, in which the said state that "they are going to collaborate together to perform the activity designed to obtain the necessary permissions to the installation and operation of the plant by setting ...", "the respective roles and the resulting bonuses that resulted from obtaining, sale, transfer and or permissions management. " This, we repeat, three months before the appointment with Dr. Meneguzzo and about 6 months before it was written the first draft of the Regulations. Faced with this group under the council's original plan was considered essential to request the Mayor to submit, on behalf of the Administration of Volterra, a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office is to shed light on events outlined above. He also asked the Mayor to always inform the City Council until the next sitting of any developments in the investigations involving him, finally, to reconsider the technical contribution of Dr. Meneguzzo in consideration of the facts may be discovered.
original project - Civic List

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tape Alternative To Caulking

Health Initiative of the Commission's original plan

An initiative to reflect on vaccinations for children. It will be the first in a series of meetings devoted to admire thematic concern that children who deserve some more attention, even in Volterra, of what is for them.