After rumors journalists who spoke of many plans parking lots, even two (Plan A and Plan B), after the pronouncements of the "Directory" To list the Civic United Volterra, confirming the objective properties of this administration by laying blame but revived special interests that would have hidden behind the Cocucci adviser, is the latest news on jobs car. On 8 March the Tyrrhenian read with interest that the City Council now says it will identify areas "for the provision of a parking plan be drawn up according to the addresses of the Executive." . Easy to translate with a peremptory: the issue of parking we have not done anything yet. This is not surprising, Councillor Moscow has never wanted to put a real floor parking, otherwise after a year and a half of work this would certainly have been completed. He spoke often in the newspapers, but only in a controversy, not because they seriously intend to set up. Probably, as the Mayor, there are fifty Vallebona new posts, but support is likely to put black on white abuse of buildings, in contrast with its own planning rules, not to mention the need for good placid of the Superintendent. Exhibiting at the same time a way of working for an administration because frankly unsuitable for food with the headlines, his vanity, is undermining justice those city employees called to close the holes of this rambling political will.
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