Original List Civic Movement Project was created in order to protect from any alteration or deviation about the original plan for which had been founded the Civic List Unite for Volterra. " Remain valid for the movement of the principles which inspired the founders of the Civic Party (paper value) and the method of work focuses on sharing.
Charter of Values \u200b\u200b
Our political project as oriented cross-fertilization and limited scope of the administration of a single municipality wants to be anything but impermeable to the principles and core values \u200b\u200bof a modern democracy. So we want to clarify from the outset that the way in which we intend is informed by a vision of politics as service that some people do for the community they live in service with a revocable mandate and temporary employees. Imagine then an administration extremely permeable than the society that surrounds it, who knows how to evolve and renew itself over time in parallel with this.
The principles we want to inspire is not new, are already contained in the first part of the Italian Constitution , the fundamental law of our Republic is so often neglected and rejected. We intend to stick to the principle of solidarity , which should bind living beings to be of help to each other, especially in small communities like ours, where perhaps it is easier to understand what happens to their neighbors.
intend to strictly adhere to the freedom of everyone, to think, criticize, and act according to their own opinions, political or religious beliefs, without being even because of any prejudice against him.
We believe that the best way to respect the justice is in keeping with the principle of equality between human beings, beyond their membership and their ability to pay .
support and we intend to exercise democracy, knowing that it loses much of its meaning if not accompanied by transparency and a large and constant participation .
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