Ortoparking E 'the miracle of the Garden of Olives, this time it happened in Palestine but to Volterra. Understood that it was not in putting an event of the Supreme, a gust of wind, cold and dirty he roused us from that dream paradise that surrounds us, throwing mud in the old politics of memory Democrat. It 'was the first step towards the abyss, the beginning of the end of the Civic List UPV. Good Fambrini, former city planning commissioner and private building, when he stayed on the hill for institutional reasons, it was customary to stay at St. Andrew's Seminary in the morning, when he came back and contemplate the beautiful scenery. One fine day (so to speak!), New line a bit 'more from a brick parapet bordering the square, right down there, he saw a brand new car ... all gravel Still sleepy, we asked because he knew nothing, and once in the palace, an initial examination he found that there was not expected anything like that. He asked an explanation: nothing! He continued to harass and torment: a ruckus broke out. His request for immediate inspection officer was satisfied, instead of the morning, inexplicably, only in the late afternoon. During the day the miracle happened I mentioned. Disappeared and the gravel were born of thirty small trees (all documented by provident photos). Fambrini but it is a cool guy and had a blizzard in Civic List, it is clear that the request was not enough as the commissioner for operation routine, such as compliance testing: he wanted an answer! He wanted to know how it was possible! The "blasphemous" but could not get away: the Mayor and well advised, after a short time, fired him on the spot for "low productivity and incompatibility of character". The news of the dismissal was learned from councilors and advisers only the next morning from the pages of the Tyrrhenian Sea. How beautiful the sharing of choices! What was so reprehensible that the then Council of Civic List, such as policy coordination, the work of the Mayor distanced himself by means of a press release because it was impossible to communicate effectively visually with him. Verba volant, scripta manent. The Council could not remain silent in the face of this glaring injustice because the Mayor, with one move he could make a councilor at the door (then third in the series ...) appointed by him in an independent-thus giving himself incompetent in choosing and placing the administration in-ridcolo was not ready for a successor, (but due to his humility, take over the delegation of Fambrini, it still holds, given the great results he obtained), and more used a dictatorial approach to cover a flaw that still has not found justice. A few days with the usual method Democrat / authoritarian List of the board was cleared, guilty of having done its job and control over the administration's political pulse. The control just do not like, do not go down. (Remind you of anyone?)
For more on time, within the Civic List was discussed heatedly over dinner in the coal for the same emergence of a group calling itself "Moderate Volterra, a kind of holy alliance shields of the Crusaders, headed to Moscow to hold off "the usual communist" and "stubborn." Meanwhile on the site of the UDC were read (and read even today!) The names of Moscow, Caruso and costs as community leaders of the party. Moschi even in the meantime was appointed to become a member of the provincial executive. Horror! The directors of United Volterra could not - for the agreements previously made and subscribed - fill political roles in the traditional parties. It is obvious that the relentless drift of the list to a new party, made up of open-mindedness democristianeggiante seasoned with a coarseness hitherto unknown. The discontent became very pressing. Then he broke the case Orsi, here I'm not going to remember, because news is almost constant and I stew. But Moscow, which had introduced Orsi as his political adviser in the administration (with really meaningful curriculum) at the time, instead of taking their responsibility, leaving the defile its mayor, and the whole administration, at the mercy of the press.
When the good thing too ... then the original project was born. Many entered the civil list, from right to left, and especially those of the first hour, could no longer recognize themselves in this disgraceful way of doing politics. Was not it 'subversion, it' treason. Original plan called so just because he wants to be respected founding principles of the civil list as set in the election campaign. Transversality, first of all, and sharing. When the current directors of the Civic Party asks the councilors 'rebels' What would you do, make a claim superfluous. Reread the document of accession, the Statute and the electoral program: things to do and methods are already established. But perhaps, as in many of them arrived after winning the election, have not read these documents not the first time. So read them! A Steering seriously, this should be an incentive and control of the administration, they ask what the UDC members, whether to leave the office and back on track, while respecting the vote of, or outing and to reveal the drift of the Democratic list UPV. This will not happen. In fact, the request for resignation to Cocucci adviser, that everyone has read in the press, for alleged conflicts of interest is said to be instrumental in the entrance administration Bruni (first non-elected). He, Civic Party candidate, is another interesting case: he had "forgotten" to tell us then to be at the same time candidate for the UDC to the provincial elections, which is incompatible with our internal rules. One could write many pages, and even more rough, and I will stop here, distancing, absolutely, from what has become the experience of politics in which I had placed so many hopes.
I leave with all my regret.
James Giusti - Project Originally