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E 'has now become an inevitable step, Project Originally it will be an autonomous group in the City Council. For many months have emerged in all their highlight the deep differences in approach and method with residual group of the Civic Party. Differences in approach and method that often result in disagreements on the merits of the inevitable problems. Today, after much discussion bounced in the newspapers, it is worth pointing out one by one the reasons that have gradually widened the gap between the group of the original project and the rest of the United Volterra. Cause of the problem is the idea as a basis of civil list, in the absence of a common ideological cement, vowed to go ahead with team spirit, taking all college major decisions. If that were the case, would avoid the many injuries which suffered from the Municipal Administration of Volterra. Certainly it would be kept intact the council in the first months of government, we formulated a three-year plan of public works a lot more credible, we would have kept a blasé attitude with respect to the Company's Health, we identified a proposal for the hospital most of Volterra focused on services and personnel of the building works. Certainly Mr. Bear would not have been rewarded with so many prestigious positions. We tried to establish a real network of mutual support among neighboring governments, beginning from small neighboring towns and as far as possible, reasoning on concrete projects regardless of their political majorities in office. In short, we would be working differently, perhaps producing different results. It was not possible. We still made some mistakes, but probably less serious than those committed and in any case would not split the group, as occurred following the path of unilateral decisions. The latest reshuffle Giunta saw us disagreeing with the mayor as well as the methods used on two points: the Town Planning and Public Works. The first, he would need a competent assessor and dedicated to the subject, given a set of Rules Urban poor and a stagnant situation in the private sector. The mayor, however, chose to take upon himself the delegation despite the little time they can devote to the matter. The other key point was that of Public Works, we wanted covered with a councilor most experienced, more competent and more cautious. But even in this case we were not listened to, despite the experience of a half years administration had provided many arguments in favor of our thesis. Consequently, the councilors of the original project left their powers to take appropriate distances from other than administration we agreed, little transparency, dangerously centralized and increasingly oriented towards a political party. Despite having left in the full availability of all positions of party arrived, we have recently witnessed a personal attack on the unscrupulous Cocucci Advisor, designed to subvert even the current balances in the City Council recognized in the local elections. This episode has definitely consumed any residual confidence in those who have so far been our traveling companions. From next City Council originally planned to be an autonomous group. Inspired by the values \u200b\u200band wishes of the founding civil list, as well as designed from the start: plural, Cross, open dialogue. We will avoid any foreclosure priori, searching for possible agreements on the merits of the issues discussed, according to the program drawn up in 2009 and the experience gained to date.
original project
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