Those who know me know, and I know many friends of JR & F share the same passion.
The reasons are many but I think the main aspect of this love for the TV series comes from the fact that a story is told slowly episodes and the pleasure of having to wait a week to see the next chapter is unparalleled.
I hate going to the movies for many reasons, the first is that I do not like watching movies with strangers locked in a room with a volume for the deaf, but when a movie (on DVD) that touched my heart stops, I'm sad because it was all spent an hour and a half. Beautiful but short. While
with a live show is a love long, we fell in love and waiting with anticipation to see what happens the bets, and it is really a deep relationship, if we think of Lost, for us at times, has flirted obsession! Currently I follow
different. I love Mad Men, V, Glee and recently I have a passionate Unexpected Life and How to Make it in America. Flash Forward I found a scary flop, especially senseless and ridiculous and also Fringe, the third episode I threw it in when traveling through the brain in the pools of water. I do not like science fiction, or at least I like when everything is 'fake', as in V, but in FF and Fringe, there is a mixture of genres and that's why I look like big dick and I can not follow .
Unexpected Life is a TV drama and I love them. Apart from Lost and Friends, is my favorite genre.
I invite you to follow him, we are only at 1x08, of course, for those who like stories about family relationships, etc.. He has been termed 'Juno meets Gilmore Girls'. Nothing to do with vampires, cops, homicide, or aliens, but they are stories of ordinary people. A girl (Lux) for 16 years, very hip, he returns to his natural parents who do not speak and see the last year of high school when the girl (mother of Lux) at the time she became pregnant and gave the baby up for adoption. They are over 30, she was a radio speaker famous and beautiful, Cate (come on! But with C, Roswell Liz) about to marry (with his radio co-host, Ryan, the gay Dawson's Creek) him (Baze) former quarterback, manager of a bar, beautiful and unreliable. From there it spread throughout history and various trouble .... and of course there is a beautiful triangle.
But after the trauma of J & K do not even try to get attached. Cate Baze and I like a lot, he really is a piece of prime beef, but those that I like, the story is wonderful so far, but again, having been traumatized by jate, I'm afraid to shipp because I know I could spend years hoping to see things that will not be realized. Although damage to the couples as they did the Dartlon there and wants among other things here have already had sex in the pilot, hahahahaa!
There is a nice video on the tube, I point out to you to see the couple, but then again, I do not look like the time I saw a video jate till you drop .. I swear! believe me!
Here's a much shorter version for non-Italian speakers. I have not Been Practising Any kind of sports in years, I do not watch Any programs on Italian television, I used to read books But Now not as much as I used to. The only thing I really like are tv shows. The main reason for this passion I guess is linked to the fact that a story is told through episodes and having to wait for a whole week to see what happens next, is priceless.
I don't like going to the movies. First of all, I don't like watching a move with strangers at such a loud volume but whenever I watch a good film on dvd, I'm kind of sad at the end because one hour and a half is not enough. I enjoyed it but it was far too short.
Whereas fans can get passionate about tv shows and look forward to seeing how the story unfolds. And with Lost I guess we were more than passionate, I'd say even obsessed from time to time!
I am currently watching a few series. I love Mad Men, V, Glee and recently I got hooked on Life Unexpected and How to Make it in America.
Life Unexpected is a tv drama, the genre I prefer. It's about a 16 year-old girl, Lux, who found her birth parents while getting away from foster care. Her parents haven't seen each other since high school when her mom (Cate, a successful bride-to-be radio speaker) got pregnant and had a kid with Baze, the handsome unreliable quarterback (who's now a bar owner) . Cate gave that kid (Lux) away. And of course there's a beautiful love triangle. Yet again. Cate, her fiancé Ryan, and her high-school crush, Baze.
Here's a nice video of Cate and Baze but after Jate, I swore I'd never ship any kind of fictional couples anymore. Jate is far too painful and now I will only enjoy the episodes for what they are. Even if they already had sex in the pilot! Are you listening Darlton? ha! These two look too cute together!
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