Lidia Ferrari (Tango) CURRICULUM VITAE - LIDIA Lidia Ferrari FERRARI
Psychoanalyst and Teacher de Tango Argentino.
Since 2008 he lives in Treviso, where he teaches Tango Argentino.
dancing tango since 1989 and is dedicated to dance and to cultivate this passion and to investigate the history of tango. She trained with great masters such as Argentina Celia Blanco, Gustavo Naveira, Jorge Firpo, Omar Vega, Pepito Avellaneda, Mingo Pugliese, Tete and others. Lidia Ferrari is a teacher of Tango since 1993 and his firm has trained hundreds of students from around the world. As a teacher taught and teaches Tango in Argentina, Uruguay, France, Italy, Spain and the United States and performed in Argentina and abroad. Lidia Ferrari has written several articles on Tango published in national and foreign journals, some of which can be read at the following website:
2001: Invited as a lecturer for the Department of World Arts and Culture (Departament of World Arts and Cultures - UCLA), University of California, Los Angeles, USA, to teach how to dance the tango and to relate the history of tango. Invited as a dancer but contribute to the realization of the Opera de Tango choreographed Thriller "Angora Matta", de Marta Savigliano.
2008 Diciembre: Choreographer and dancer with the Opera en Schiabel Guido Maria de Buenos Aires, A. de Piazzolla y H. Ferrer. Director Marco Tezza. 18/12: Theatre Lorenzo Da Ponte Vittorio Veneto. 19/12: de Teatro Astra Vicenza.
As a dancer and researcher of history and evolution of Tango has realized the following activities:
In 1996, the Area Director of the First Cultural Expo-Fair Cittadino music, Tango Mundo, Buenos Aires realizzata. Co-direttrice e degli Incontri di Tango organizzatrice sopracitata nella Fiera Expo. Dell'organizzazione Incaricata delle 19 di questi Incontri Tavola Rotonda, with the Partecipazione maggiori dei paese specialisti of tango: "Women and the tango." Co-ordinatrice delle Tavola Rotonda "Tango and the media," "The Young and the tango", "Lyrics and Lyricists of tango", "Historia del tango", "Different approaches to the study of the tango" and "Tango in the world."
1996: Treat yourself Summit III Gazette Mondiale alla tenuta Tango in Montevideo, Uruguay, dal 4 to 17 novembre. invitat alla Tavola Rotonda "The different images de mujer a Traves de las letras de tango ".
1998: Organizing Cycle Tango in Buenos Aires Cultural Center of the border, an official from the Municipality of Buenos Aires. Lecture:" El lugar de la mujer en el tango en las letras y en el baile.
2000: Entertainment organized by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires "La Milonga de los Barrios."
1999-2000: Invited by the chair of Argentina Tradition and Culture, University of Belgrano, Argentina. and Exhibition theoretical explanation on the different styles of tango and dissertation on the history of tango.
2000: Researcher and author in the "Los Origenes del Tango" by Ars Media SnC, Torino, Italy. Production of a Multimedia CD-Rom on the birth of the genre from 1870 to 1930.
2002: Invited to the Hospital Ameghino, Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Exhibition and theoretical explanation on the different styles of tango and dissertation on the history of tango.
2003-2004: However, you the Hospital Esteves, Temperley, Buenos Aires. Exhibition and theoretical explanation on the different styles of tango and dissertation on the history of tango.
2008: Professor of History of the Tango, in Rome, the Italian National Academy of Tango Argentino.
2008: Master of Stage "Musicality and technical women," in 2nd International Festival of Tango Argentino, Cavallino - Treporti (Venice). May, June 2009
1996: "A praise to the Milonga", versione inglese di "In Praise of the milonga", in The Firulete, Volume 3. Issue 4, "The Argentine Tango Newsletter, California (U.S.).
1996: "Women in the tango." In The Tangauta, Anno 1, No. 6. Buenos Aires.
1996: "Is tango macho?" (Traduzione inglese di: "The place of women in the tango"), in Journal of the Argentina Tango Association Bay Area, BA GOTAN, Estate 1996, Volume 1, Number 3.
1996: Contributi alla rivista di tango "Voz del Tango", anno one, Volume Sei, pubblicato da M. Bodine, Los Angeles, California, in inglese. Articoli: "Why is good for Tango Dancing you!
1997: "The Tangomanía en 1913 y en 1997, París y Buenos Aires", in El Tango, Year 2, Issue 33, Buenos Aires.
1998: "Transformaciones en los modos de bailar" in popular music fortnightly Buenos Aires: BA TANGO, Buenos Aires tango ", Serial Tango in Buenos Aires, Year IV, Number 71, the second fortnight of March 1998. Editor: Tito Palumbo.
1998: "El papel de la mujer en el tango," in TANGONEON magazine, April 1998. Year III / Number 11 in Madrid. Publication of the Association "Amigos del Tango" in Madrid.
1998: Publication of the paper "Ist ein Tango Tanz-Macho?" (German version of "El lugar de la mujer en el tango "), in TANGO INFO, No. 14, Undorf, Germany. 1998:" Is Tango Macho? "(nederlandse vertaling) (Dutch version) in La Cadena, No. 44. Abshoven Director Jan Dirk van, Utrecht , The Netherlands.
1998-present: construction and design of the website:, cultural space for storage, dissemination and consolidation of the tango. This site has been recognized as one of the ten best sites in the Castilian both content As for design.
2000: Publication of two articles, "The role of women in the tango" and "Praise the milonga" in "The Tango. Feelings and Philosophy of Life" by Elizabeth Muraca, Milan, Italy, 2000.
2005: Publication of two articles: "Tango, a dialogue between two sensitivity" and "The Man leads but the woman is not a puppet" in Tangologia George Lala, in Signet editions, Lecce, Italy.
2007: Pubblicazzione of two articles: "" Tango, a dialogue between two sensitivity "and" The best dancer of all time, George III en Tangologia Lala, in Signet editions, Lecce, Italy.
email Lidia Ferrari